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A three-minute escape to Italy.
Tuscany, Italy, stories, travel, villages, medieval, customs, celebrations, holidays, visiting
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Getting to the bottom of Italian wine

"Don't worry, I wash really well before I get into the barrel to crush the grapes," Filippo told me. My visit to Filippo Volpi's winery—note that...

The Joys of Autumn

One day, everything is different. Growing up in Florida, then living most of my adult life in California, I'm used to a more gradual shift...



I've been on a mission to find the perfect fishing village for years. I have this idea in my head—Local Hero in a warmer climate,...

sheep on the Applian Way, Rome

Roman Treasures

Rome is slightly over an hour away from us by fast train, but it always feels like an exotic vacation, even on the briefest trips....


I love my village. And what I love the most is not the food, or the wine, or the rolling Tuscan hills, or the thousand...

Is it getting hot in here?

Yep, it’s hot. And here’s how I am coping in a land with almost no air conditioning and heat into the 100 degrees. Although we...

Discovering Lake Maggiore

Italy is sinking under the weight of tourists right now, and it's not even high-season. I am not too affected by crowds living in such...


Just go: Brescia

An unexpected visit to Brescia revealed a delightful town often overshadowed by its neighbors—Venice, Verona, Padua, and Milan—but packed with beauty, history, and great food. We...

Arezzo restaurant I Bottega

The Mediterranean diet

I'm doing something next weekend that really scares me. I am joining a hike from La Verna back to our village. Ten miles a day,...

Life is good

The week of San Valentino has made me think of those moments when you get slapped upside the head by someone's kindness, humor or grace...

farming oysters in Normandy

An adventure in Normandy

The older I get, and with a birthday coming up on Monday that is top of mind, the more I realize that one of the...

Me and Sister Ray

I have had about enough. I'd been behaving rather well making sure that between guests and life most of the critical things had been accomplished...

The devil at the beer garden

My mother was an artist, but her pallet for rebellion was limited. When I was growing up and she was really, really fed up—a fight...

Italian tango in the piazza

Tango, Italian style

"Would you like to come and watch my wife and me dance the tango?" asked Paolo, the dynamo of a contractor and stone mason who...

Paolo’s advice for a good life

We've spent the last year improving the nest, getting around to things that we haven't tackled after being in the house close to six years....

stone house in Switzerland

Road trip in Europe

One graduating kid, one car, one dog, four countries, four languages, three seemingly endless tunnels, eleven different places to stay, three positive Covid tests, one...

bistecca in Italy

Just another Sunday

The most important part of the Italian Sunday is lunch. Just like lunch is the most important thing Monday through Saturday, but more so. More...

When a goddess descends

In 1963, the most exciting event occurred in our village since Florence smacked down Milan in the big battle of 1440—Claudia Cardinale came to town...

The affair

When Donella was in high school one of her favorite classes was art history. This was curious to me as I’d tried to interest her...

My own private theater

Descriptions of modern high-end houses often brag about having a private theater where one can gather with friends and watch a movie. Starting in the...

Little treasures of 2021

Here are some of my favorite adventures and discoveries of the year. If you've stuck with me this long you know that as much as...